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Registration will open for the Fall 2024 Soccer season on May 1st, 2024.  Registration will close on June 30th, 2024. Late registration is limited and is only for the purpose of filling up teams that are short players. To guarantee a spot, registration needs to be completed during the registration window. 


PeeWee will not be offered in 2024. For children born in September 2019 or later, please check with Mount Vernon Parks & Recreation to get signed up with their Little Kickers program. They can do registrations at their office @ 1717 South 13th Street, or over the phone with a credit card:  (360) 336-6215,

STEP 1. Review our By-Laws, Code of Conduct, & Operating Policies.

All families registering for participation with MVYSA will be required to read and adhere to our by-laws, code of conduct, and operating policies.  Please read carefully when registering.

2021 MVYSA By Laws

2021 MVYSA Operating Policies

MVYSA Code of Conduct

STEP 2. Read Registration Details & Verify which age group your child is in

General Registration Details

The deadline for regular registration is June 30th. Registrations must be paid to be complete. Registrations received on or after July 1st will be subject to an additional $25.00 late fee and will be processed only if space is available.  Please remember, mailed registrations must also be RECEIVED by June 30th.

                   Regular registration cost:
                  U-6 & U-7 (micro) $105
                   U-8 to U-10            $115
                   U-11 to U-14          $125
*Scholarships available (Click here for more info)

Costs include:
          - Soccer ball
            - Team jersey
                             - Shorts (U8 and above)
                                         - Soccer socks (U8 and above) 

- In Skagit Valley, we will be using school age groups. It is important to us that our teams are allowed to play with their friends. 
This means that the soccer year will correspond to the academic year, so your child's "soccer age" is the same for Fall and Spring Seasons (i.e., not the calendar year). Your child's soccer age is based on their age on August 31st.

Age Division       Birthdates between these dates   Example: Incoming Grade Level           

U6(co-ed)              Sept 1, 2018-Aug 31, 2019 Kindergarten
Sept 1, 2017-Aug 31, 2018 1st Grade
              Sept 1, 2016-Aug 31, 2017 2nd Grade
U9                     Sept 1, 2015-Aug 31, 2016 3rd Grade
U10                     Sept 1, 2014-Aug 31, 2015 4th Grade
U11                    Sept 1, 2013-Aug 31, 2014 5th Grade
U12                    Sept 1, 2012-Aug 31, 2013 6th Grade
U13                    Sept 1, 2011-Aug 31, 2012 7th Grade
U14                    Sept 1, 2010-Aug 31, 2011 8th Grade

Example 1: If your child is 5 turning 6 on or before August 31, 2024, you'd enroll them in the U6 age division
Example 2: If they turn 7yrs old on Sept 1, 2024, you'd enroll them in U7

STEP 3. Register online or mail in registration

Checks are not accepted for online registration.  Online registration will only accept credit/debit cards.  We will still accept checks/cash if you register the following way:
                   1.  You can download, print, fill out, and mail a registration form with your check.  This form includes the "concussion awareness/information" form that we are required, by Washington State laws, to have signed.  A separate form is required for each child.  It also includes the MVYSA Code of Conduct.  You only need to submit one signed copy of the Code of Conduct per family.

                             Please mail the completed forms and payment to:
                                   Attn:  Registration
                                   P.O. Box 932
                                   Mt. Vernon, WA.  98273

Other Information

- If you have questions, please contact the registrar at: [email protected]

-  PLEASE update your child's registration profile and update contact/email information.  MVYSA will not be responsible for activities / events missed because we had outdated or incorrect contact information.  If your contact information changes, in any way, between the time you register and late-July, please contact us.

- Pay particular attention to uniform sizes and make sure you update your child's uniform size in his/her profile information.  If you receive the sizes that were listed in the profile and the uniform is too small or too large, the parent will be responsible for the cost of a replacement.  Please also pay attention to the difference between "youth" and "adult" sizes (YS, YM, & YL are "youth" sizes.  AS, AM, & AL are "adult" sizes).

- All refund requests will be assessed a $5.00 per player Administrative Fee. This fee will be deducted from all refunds, even if you live outside our operating area and registered here in error.


Mount Vernon Youth Soccer Association
P.O. Box 932 
Mount Vernon, Washington 99273

Phone: 360-401-3333
Email: [email protected]

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