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Washington Youth Soccer COVID-19 Protocols

KNOW YOUR ROLE! KNOW THE PROTOCOLS. The following best practices are intended to offer guidance to our Washington Youth Soccer community. Adherence to these considerations and recommendations does not ensure immunity from exposure. Washington Youth Soccer makes no representations and assumes no responsibility for individual activity or participation decisions by Associations, Clubs, Coaches, Parents, or Players.


Facial Coverings:

    • Soccer players/coaches are allowed to remove facial coverings for competitions and training. 
    • Unvaccinated adults, players, and siblings require a mask on the sidelines


· Be smart: if you are sick, stay home. This applies to everyone: players, coaches, and parents. 

· No high-fives, handshakes, or hugs: as much as we want to physically connect, this is not a safe practice for anybody right now.

· Masks: unvaccinated coaches and spectators should wear a mask before, during, and after practice. Players should wear a mask when not actively practicing/playing (ex: when on sidelines). 

· Water bottles: to minimize accidental sharing of water, players must keep their water bottles in their own bag when not in use. 

· Have fun, stay positive: everyone is looking to each other to stay calm, supportive, and compassionate during this time. 


· Ensure the health and safety of your players. Inquire how the athletes are feeling, send them home if they act or discuss feeling ill.

· Ensure all athletes have their individual equipment (ball, water bottles, bag, etc.) and prohibit them from sharing water bottles.

· All training must be outdoors.

· No sharing of scrimmage vests or goalie shirts. Wash after each use.

· Increase your communication with parents, they need to know what you are doing as a coach to maintain their safety.

· Have fun, stay positive – players and parents are looking to you to stay calm, supportive, and caring during this time.


· Ensure athletes are healthy, check their temperature daily.

· Limited or no carpooling.

· Ensure child’s clothing is washed after every training session.

· Label your child’s equipment to guard against cross-contamination.

· Notify club immediately if your child becomes ill for any reason and do not bring them into contact with coaches or other players.


· Take temperature daily.

· Wash hands thoroughly before and after training.

· Limited or no carpooling.

· Wear mask before and after all training sessions. This protects others in the event that you are unknowingly carrying the virus.

· Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment.

· Bring your own ball to training, label it as your own.

· No group celebrations with players closer than six feet, no high fives, hugs, cheers, etc.


Mount Vernon Youth Soccer Association
P.O. Box 932 
Mount Vernon, Washington 99273

Phone: 360-401-3333
Email: [email protected]

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